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Copy. Content. Consulting.

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Old DogI'm a seasoned professional with decades of experience in advertising and promotion. As a senior executive and creative director at major New York agencies and hot local shops in Philadelphia and Connecticut I've helped grow mega-brands for world-class companies, given startups a leg up and done everything in between. My expertise is in healthcare and business-to-business communications.

New TricksIn the early '90s I recognized how important emerging technologies would be to marketing. Today I'm a computer-savvy resource. I combine creative innovation with informed business sense and up-to-date knowledge of e-communications and social media. My 2001 M.S. degree in Information Technology from Penn State University was accompanied by the engineering department's Overall Achievement Award for the 2001-2002 graduating class.

Low MaintenanceYou won't even have to offer me coffee. I work remotely and deliver on time and on budget with no drama or surprises. I collaborate with you and your team via phone, email and online tools as seamlessly as if we were in the same room. It's remarkably effective. Some of my best repeat-business clients are people I almost never see.

Gwenne Celmer Marketing Services
860-663-3747 ~ • copyright 2011 by Gwenne Celmer. All rights reserved.